Balloon and Bubble Lights

When I first came across them, I thought, “Are those bubbles? Is that a balloon Animal? But wait- they’re lights too?!” After reading the article, I thought it was pretty neat that these lights, called Blow Up Lamps created by Thelermont Hupton were entirely made of glass that was blown up differently. Of course, this is just to look at not to play with, so this handy creative little lamp is not for little ones. But for this child-like lamp, it starts at a big $320. Which would you buy? I’d probably get myself the first balloon animal if I had the money.

Blow Up Lamps

Blow Up Lamps

Electric Man and USB Man!

I like this here, Eletric Man and USB Man. They’re this handy little gadgets are in the shape of a human, with its limbs (arms and legs)are eletric sockets and usb ports. The invention, Electric Man sells for $14.99, his counter computer part, USB Man sells for $19.99. If it were me to buy either of these, I’d definetely buy USB Man, I wouldn’t have to be switching my ports in and out of the USB socket . Which would you buy? What would you use it for?

USB and Electric Man

USB and Electric Man


All in Recycling Center

Just like the title says, this product is an All-In-One-Recycle-Center at home. The only pain is, you have to seperate each material, so paper with the paper, cardboard with it’s own, plastic with the plastics, and so on.  This nifty little contraption fits right into your home so you can sort all the recybles in one place. The best feature about it, is that it stores and then compresses all the recycbles so there’s always room for more.  It might be a pain sitting there and placing each recycble in the right bin, but for $250, imagine how GREEN you’re being? You help the Earth while looking eco-savvy.

February Vocabulary

Monday Feb. 3rd, 2009

Succumb: consent reluctantly

They didn’t want to wash the dishes, but they succumbed to it.

Oblige: to require or constrain, as by law, command, conscience, or force of necessity

Sophie was to oblige herself to whatever task was needed.

Clandestine: characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment, esp. for purposes of subversion or deception; private or surreptitious.

The council held the meetings in secrecy,  what they were meeting about was entirely clandestine too.

Flog: To beat severely with a whip or rod.

He was completely savage, he threatened to flog her if she hadn’t done her chores before she got home.

Anomalous: not fitting into a common or familiar type, classification, or pattern; unusual

She was anomalous to the point where she stuck out like a  sore thumb.


Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

Covey: a group, set, or company.

The covey stood strong when they faced through troubles.

Sojourn: a temporary stay.

It was only a sojourn visit, she stayed for ten minutes at the most.

Factious: readily angered; peevish; irritable; quarrelsome

Her students knew that she was a factious person and it was best not to annoy her.

Placid: pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil; serenely quiet or undisturbed

She was in complete rage, you could never imagine her being the true peaceful and placid person she usually is.

Fathom: to penetrate to the truth of; comprehend; understand

He was too dense to even fathom what she was saying or felt.


Wednesday, February 18th, 2009.

Exploit: to utilize for profit or ones own fortune

Knowing this would help him in the long run, he decided to exploit the good deeds he had done and get it posted in the town newspaper.

Pendulous:  wavering; undecided

The on-the-fence-voters were pendulous, they swayed to each party’s side, back and fourth.

Tribulate: to oppose or trouble greatly.

She just seemed to thrive on tribulating the teachers, parents, and everyone she met.

Pinnacle: the highest or culminating point, as of success, power, fame, etc

Miles was at the top of his game, the pinnacle of success, he really was doing an amazing job.

Annex: to take or appropriate, esp. without permission

The government was weak, the empire then annexed the governemnt’s country. The land was now the empire’s.


February 25th, 2009

Peculate: to steal entrusted money or goods; embezzle

I don’t want to hold the secretary position, the chances of them accusing me of peculating or embezzling with a position like that is high.

Beseech: to ask earnestly; implore

Don’t let her beseech you,  just politely say no and that you must be on your way, that’ll stop her begging.

Fission: the act of cleaving or splitting into parts

The fission of the diamond had to be done with the help of another diamond.

Ablution: the washing of the body or some part of it.

She wasn’t the cleanest and most hygienic girl in town, she seldom decided to ablution herself.

Claque: a group of fawning admirers

Many young girls fall into claques of other adoring fans for teen age idols.

Smash Clock

Whenever I wake up, especially with the help of the alarm clock, I feel like smashing that annoying beeping gadget to bits. Instead I hit the snooze button, and end up getting there late. But they’ve come up with a clever way to let us express our annoyance of those pesky alarms. With this Smash Alarm, you smash it in. Interesting right? Well, the theory behind it is, when you smash the alarm clock, in hopes that it’ll shut quiet for five minutes more, you’ll wake yourself out of frustration. So you’ll be smacking the top of the alarm clock in attempt to turn it off, when the only way to turn it off is to punch it. I think this alarm clock would be handy for me, what about you?
Smash Clock

Smash Clock